Best Places for Business Trips While Traveling in Indonesia 2023

Are you looking for the best place for business travel in Asia? Indonesia can be the answer to your question. Besides Indonesia offers great potential for businesses, you can also enjoy the exotic beauty of this archipelago state. By doing both you can find meaningful experiences exploring new places. Here we recommend places for your business travel in Indonesia and the places as your second home.

Places for Business Travel

Business and travel may sound contradictory, however, it is possible when you are choosing the right location. Where in Indonesia is perfect for a business trip? Be it you go by yourself or with your colleagues. There are lots of options of location for doing business and traveling in the same area. We provide you with four cities to conduct your business trip while traveling through the beauty of the city.

1. Jakarta
Iman Boer

Jakarta is a metropolis area where most of the big corporations operate here. Therefore, it is no surprise that it makes Jakarta the busiest city in Indonesia. Although Jakarta is a suitable place for business, there are spaces for traveling. You can explore Jakarta from its city beauty such as museums, cafes, and other activities to its historical venues like Jakarta’s Old Town, Old harbor, and Merdeka Square.

2. Bogor
Muhammad Fayyadh

Do you prefer a city that is less crowded than Jakarta? Choose Bogor as your alternative pick. Bogor is an hour drive away from the busyness of Jakarta. Bogor offers a variety of nature and Mount Salak landscape to your view. In addition, the coolness and the serenity of Bogor can put your heart at ease.

3. Bali

Bali is known as the tropical paradise of Indonesia. The natural beauty it has and the hidden gems people not knowing of are what makes Bali attractive to people worldwide. Beaches, lush terraced rice fields, and mountains are the identity of Bali. Moreover, the culture that is engraved within the locals make Bali even more charming.

4. Medan

Medan is another city that is a business hub. No less than cities mentioned, Medan can be the choice for your business trip. It has amazing cuisine, incredible views and kind locals. Beautiful heritage sites and astonishing nature like Lake Toba can be found.

Places for Second Home

Digital nomads have the advantage of working remotely anywhere by using technology and the internet. The places they live differently have been considered as their second home. In Indonesia, there are few possible lists that work for them, here are four of them.

1. Canggu, Bali
Armando Oliveira

Whereas Bali has mentioned before, a specific place in Bali is recommended to be your second home, Canggu. It is located in South Bali and now is giving a calm farm-like vibe. There are many small local businesses and cafes that are suitable for you who want to appreciate the local nature, cozy atmosphere and great scenery.

2. Bandung
Creativa Images

Bandung is known as ‘Paris van Java’ by the Dutch because back in the days the city was considered very beautiful with many trees and flowers that grew there. You can enjoy working in an aesthetic cafe and later exploring the culinary, shopping malls and nightlife. Other than that, it has several natures to be explored like Tangkuban Perahu and Kawah Putih. Furthermore, the living cost in Bandung is affordable as it is popular for students.

3. Malang
Stivanus Ferdiyanto

This town is located near Mount Bromo, suitable for adventurous people. Also, Malang is a calm and serene town where your creative side can flourish. Interesting buildings, charming, colorful villages, historic structures dating back thousands of years, mouthwatering food stands, and stunning natural landscapes may all be found here. It can be relatively affordable to live here, which is perfect for finding a second home on a budget.

4. Belitung

Belitung is one of Indonesia’s hidden gems when it comes to beaches. It has several attractive beaches such as Tanjung Tinggi beach, Lengkuas Beach and Tanjung Kelayang beach. Its beauty was captured in the most famous Indonesian film ‘Laskar Pelangi’. 

In addition to eye-catching ocean scenery, Belitung can also provide easy access to technology that ensures visitors are comfortable to take a vacation while concentrating on doing work. Moreover, eating the local seafood cuisine will never bore you.

Doing a business trip while traveling is like killing two birds with one stone. On one side you get to work professionally, while on the other side you get the experience of exploring new experiences. Indonesia has many places that are suitable for that necessity. Moreover, everything will be more convenient when the procedures for getting business visa Indonesia requirements can be easily handled by Sarana Visa. All you need to do is by providing the documents needed and the visa will be delivered to you.

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